Our Story
This organization was created because one 15-year-old girl, who unexpectedly found herself struggling with anxiety. With the help of her parents and community, they discovered three powerful solutions:
Connection, Purpose, Resilience.
For the next three years, they worked with hundreds of professionals, interns, and volunteers throughout the nation to devise an effective program that would empower youth from all walks of life.
The Benefits to being Resilient
Adapt well
Know differences between SUCCESS and being Unsuccessful.
Leadership skills
Overcome Challenges
PREVENT and reduce anxiety & depression.
Coping Skills
Impulse control
Self-regulating skills
An increase in POSITIVITY
An increase in HAPPINESS
An increase in PURPOSE
An increase in SATISFACTION in life
Rising Up Together is empowering youth everywhere to connect, find purpose and build resilience for life. We are dedicated in creating positive resources to change the lives of the Youth and their families for the better.
Board of Directors
Shelly Jordan
Shawn Gandola
Vice President and Public Relations Director
Heather Hirst
Rachel Gandola
Jeff Hirst
Strategic Business Director
Lola Christensen
Philanthropy Director
Marci Monson
Outreach Director
Andy Proctor
Philanthropy Advisor
Desiree Winters
Curriculum Director
Jenae Nelson
Professional Advisor
Transparency & Accountability
Rising Up Together is a non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation and is operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Rising Up Together is not organized and shall not be operated for the private gain of any person. The property of the corporation is irrevocably dedicated to its educational and charitable purposes and no part of the receipts, or net earnings of the corporation shall be used for any activities other than its mission. Rising Up Together will always retain control over the contributed funds and will provide the relative information regarding its activities on its website.
We practice and encourage transparency and accountability by providing full and accurate information about our purpose, mission, activities, finances, contribution forms, and governance. Documents may be downloaded at no cost upon request.