
Supporting Partner:

Sustaining Partner:
Empowering Partner:
Founding Partner:
Transparency & Accountability
Rising Up Together is a non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation and is operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Rising Up Together is not organized and shall not be operated for the private gain of any person. The property of the corporation is irrevocably dedicated to its educational and charitable purposes and no part of the receipts, nor net earnings of the corporation shall be used for any activities other than its mission. Rising Up Together will always retain control over the contributed funds and will provide the relative information regarding its activities on its website.
We practice and encourage transparency and accountability by providing full and accurate information about our purpose, mission, activities, finances, contribution forms, and governance. Documents may be downloaded at no cost upon request.